
I was assigned to create this website while working at Karrota Advertising Agency.

iPaymer is a platform that helps you to provide convenient payment experience for anything you buy. This product was created by Mydev.




Web Design




For this project I was assigned to create a website for the product iPaymer, which is one of many products by Mydev. Even though there was a certain style I had to stick to because all products needed to have similarities visually, I still had space to create a unique look for the website.

I tried to create a welcoming feeling for everybody visiting the site, since the product is focused on large range of business owners.

User Experience

Working on this website, besides having a unique look to it, I was focused on creating an easy-to-read and understandable explanation of the product. Focusing on key points of how the product works and how it can help businesses.


The website ended up mirroring iPaymer's qualities as a product. The look stayed within the boundaries of the brand while also creating a unique look for this specific product.

Other work

Want to create something awesome? Drop me an email.

→ spancaenvis@gmail.com